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January 25, 2008



Mmm, that sounds like it would so hit the spot on a cold wintry night like tonight!


Maybe it's because I just finished an apple and didn't have a real dinner, but that looks HEAVENLY. And i LOVE that you let Anna help. You're such a good teacher!


I can't stop thinking about kielbasa lately...I always keep some, because just a little added to a recipe makes for very yummy food. But lately I just want lots of it. ;) This recipe looks so good--I have to cook from scratch though, so can you tell me: If I mix up cornbread batter as usual, is that appropriate to dump on top of the apples/kielbasa? I don't really know how the mixes work, if there's something left out of the recipe (like eggs?) when you just mix the dry stuff with milk.


Thank you girls SO MUCH for your sweet comments!! :)

Joni - if you make your cornbread batter the way you normally do (and forgo the added milk in this recipe), it will work just perfectly :) Let us know how it comes out! :D

Laura Bozeman

Wow, love the potpourri idea! We eat several apples a day around here. I love "re-using" instead of just throwing away!


i'm so glad you liked that! it works WONDERS! I also love doing that with orange peels (YUM!!!) :)


I'll be trying the recipe for tomorrow night's sup-sup. FH said it sounded yummy and we happened to buy an extra thing of keilbasa last week. I'll be using Granny Smiths for the apples.

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