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« Audrey's Knitting Needle Tutorial! | Main | Dinner Challenge! Southern Sausage Apple Bake »

January 24, 2008



The quilt is just lovely! I can't wait to see the other kits as they come about!


Thank you Debra!! :)


I love the new look. Just in time for Valentine's.


Thanks Audrey! :) I have been very inspired by Valentines Day this year!! Lots more coming up to celebrate the holiday too! :D


KRISTIN!!! you are constantly amazing me. This looks stunning. And I"m so excited about your quilt kit, what a genius idea. I wish you could send some of your genius my way! ;)


I love the new layout and the kit! I was just thinking yesterday that I'd like to get back into quilting again :)


you gals are so sweet!! :D thank you! so glad you like it!

Rachel Hall

I knew you would create an amazing kit and honestly you have blown me away and exceeded my already high expectations!!! So beautiful and so perfect for Love Day!!


*swoon!* Thank you so much Rachel!!


The colors in the quilt kit look great together :) Very nice!


Thank you Jen!! :) It was so much fun choosing exactly what would be in the kit!


This kit is sooo cute! I can't wait to get my hands on one, get it quilted and on my wall! Your eye for this sort of thing is absolutely phenomonal! I can't wait to see what the future holds!


Lovely splashes of red. :)


LOVE IT! All of it ... the idea, the kit, the new look. whoo hooo!


Christina, Christy, Pam.... thank you all so much! :)


I posted here once already and it hasn't shown up yet so I will try again.

1st I want to say that I have been really loving your site. You have beautiful ideas and pictures.

2nd I simply cannot wait to be able to try your quilting kit! It is gorgeous and I love little homey touches. So a tiny quilt will be perfect in my daughter's dolly cradle.

Thanks for all that you have been posting!


love the kit. will be purchasing one myself ! love your blog too!


Beautiful kit!!

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