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  • "Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance."

In The Kitchen

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January 21, 2008



I think we may have crushes on the same colors right now, which means we're fantastic!! I love the idea of scraps at the store, it seems like such a great idea and a really good way to encourage not being wasteful. It's unfortunate that people can be so unpleasant in stores like that. I remember before we moved here I wanted to start quilting, I had got a magazine at the thrift store that had the most lovely pattern. I was so excited to go to the "good" fabric store. They were SO rude I never went back, they opened a new one in town before we moved. I checked that one out, so much better. Maybe you can find another shop somewhere. Even if it's a little bit further away, it could be a much better experience.
Whoa that's a long comment.


You've got some might pretty scraps there :)

Lisa Boyer

I hear you about the attitudes of some quilt shop owners--but don't let it stop you from joining a group. Quilters are such wonderful people! I've been in many quilt guilds and I always ignore the loud "mean girls" and the "know-it-alls" and try to find the quiet ladies who smile a lot. I've met such wonderful people this way!

Just wanted to give you a little pep talk. Don't let the mean girls get you down...

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