Chat Over Coffee

  • I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for stopping by for a visit! If you have a moment, I would love for you to comment and let me know that you were here! Getting little notes from friends, both old and new, absolutely makes my day! It also allows me to visit your blogs, which I truly love.

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Favorite Quote of the Moment

  • "Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance."

« "You Make My Day" Award | Main | Lillies (ie - First Photo with the D80) »

February 09, 2008



I'm SO happy you got your new camera, you certainly deserve it. And I don't know anybody who will put such a great camera to as good as use as you will. I hope your girls feel better tomorrow.


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday! Mine is the 24th.


Happy birthday!!! The shop looks wonderful and I'm glad it's doing so well.


In regards to the mocha mocha coffee mug .. the best hot chocolate that i've had is the Godiva hot chocolate. Sadly it not anywhere close to my work place :(


Happy Birthday! Glad to hear the pooch is gonna be ok. Sweet camera!


Awww, look at the puppy dog! So glad he's feeling better. Have you tried the Missing Link food supplement? One variety has glucosamine in it.

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