Chat Over Coffee

  • I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for stopping by for a visit! If you have a moment, I would love for you to comment and let me know that you were here! Getting little notes from friends, both old and new, absolutely makes my day! It also allows me to visit your blogs, which I truly love.

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Favorite Quote of the Moment

  • "Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance."

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February 29, 2008



I had just met your blog at the time you did the recipe contest so I didn't participate but I think it's a great idea. I hope you do it again, perhaps several times a year with a different theme each time -- a particular holiday, picnics, casseroles, baked goods, etc.


You realize that you have done more SICK than I do healthy? I hope you get feeling better soon and the card turned out beautifully!!!


That hawaiian chicken looks very interesting, I think I'll give it a try! I hope you're feeling better :)


Hi! I love your site and you may even remember me from a LONG time ago on the SJ site. Anyhow, I am loving the looks of this stew and would like to make it. Would you tell me if you kept the liquid from the cans of vegetables or did you add any other liquid to it? Thanks, Renell Ü


Hi Renell! Good to "see" you! :) Yes, I kept the liquid from the cans :) They just added a little more "veggie" flavor :) Made it very easy as far as liquids were concerned too - didn't add anything else to it at all. :)


Thanks! That sounds like supper for tomorrow then! Ü

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