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March 27, 2008



that is Fun!!!!!!! we have been adventuring outside a lot too here!!! though I envey the garden I have a black thumb plus living in an apt doesn't lend it self to a garden


It was beautiful outside yesterday! My little one and I spent some time in the back yard too.

Let me just say that I love that bike! It's totally cool!


Love your blog ! keep on reclaiming your home and offering encouragement to all the mommies out in blog land !


Wow, I just found your blog via amandajean's site - I love it! I hope to draft a garden plan this year... my garden is pretty tiny, so I need to plan it well. I'm in NC - need to get planting soon too!


At my last house I kept a paper journal of my garden. It was mostly a diary of what I planted where so I could remember the names :)


I do more journals and planning than actual gardening... Maybe because the patch I have at the moment can't really be called a garden. But I love reading gardening books and magazines and writing down the flowers f my dreams... I need to designa sketch book for gardeners, thanks for the inspiration!

And thanks for your happy comment on my blog!


Where did you get this tricycle? I want one for my daughter!! :)

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