Chat Over Coffee

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  • "Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance."

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April 30, 2008



Sorry you haven't been feeling too well. {{HUGS}} Take it as a sign that this is a strong, healthy pregnancy. I find that chamomile or peppermint tea with a little honey help lots. Ice cream helped me, too. I don't really get too much nausea now, but the ice cream still does wonders for my heartburn.

Hope you're feeling better soon! Your meals look delish!


I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I swear the only thing that helped in my pregnancies were ginger mints. Either Altoids or the ones at the health food store. Ginger tea, ginger, ginger, ginger...
Hope it eases up soon for you.

Shannon O.

Ohhh...I do not miss the morning sickness. I can almost feel myself getting green, just reading your post. I actually lost 10 pound with both my pregnancies, due to my disinterest in food of any kind. I did make up for it on the other end, though! What did I do? I wore those wrist compression thingies for motion sickness..all the time and they seemed to work. Know what I'm talkin' about? I sucked hard candy (jolly ranchers)..kept me from losing my lunch....and sipped pink lemonade.

Good luck, I hope you find something that helps...

amy lowrey

congratulations...isn't it hilarious the things that you crave?


I agree, Gingerale, gingersnaps (though they caused more heartburn)and ginger candy. And I went through boxes of dry plain cheerios. As long as I had some of those near, I was ok. Oh, and you will love the medicine they subscribe. It's actually a compound of Unisom and vitamin b6 or b12. My insurance didn't pay for it so during the 3rd trimester I just took unisom and it worked like a charm!


I agree with everyone else that ginger does have an anti nausea effect but ginger can be dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy. I would clear it with your doctor before you start any ginger remedies. The thing that helped me was Pregnancy Tea by Traditional Medicinals and Papaya Tablets were a regular part of my diet too.


for me it was ice water. super super cold. if my stomach was upset, it just made the uncomfortable blech feeling go away.

Mary Corbet

Ice water, and chewing ice cubes (not so good for your teeth, but...!) and ginger chews... and ginger snaps, and "real" ginger ale (not Canada Dry, but the kind you get in glass bottles at your local co-op or organic foods store). And soda crackers. Not from experience (sorry) but rather from watching all five of my sisters go through the same...

I was looking for an apple-cinnamon-type recipe for my mom for mother's day, so I somehow came upon your blog, and then I followed your link, and I'm still cracking up that the recipe is made with Mountain Dew. Wow.

And, in the meantime, I've just had fun meandering about your blog, and enjoying the stroll.

I hope you feel better very soon, and that you're celebrating a happy mother's day!

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