Chat Over Coffee

  • I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for stopping by for a visit! If you have a moment, I would love for you to comment and let me know that you were here! Getting little notes from friends, both old and new, absolutely makes my day! It also allows me to visit your blogs, which I truly love.

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Favorite Quote of the Moment

  • "Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance."

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June 15, 2008



Great list. I hope you get to all of it. we have lots of stuff planed this summer too. I will have our list on my blog this week.

Kathi D

I am reading The Blue Tarp Bible (I know, weird) and here's an idea. You can make "the poor man's slip n slide" by putting down a blue tarp and running the hose over it just like the real thing. Sounds fun!

ellen kelley

Oh, those all sound like such fun things for your little ones. I may have to make myself some slime too.
How about printing on paper using cut up potatoes, apples, or even a cabbage. Cabbages have such beautiful patterns.
Mixing corn starch and water together is fun too. Experiment with the proportions of water to corn starch, you don't want it to be to saturated. It's fascinating to play with and is a good kitchen activity. Little ones also love to do "laundry". All you need is a big bucket of water, some rags, kitchen towels whatever, a rigged clothesline in easy reach and some clothes pins.
Take care and may the healing continue for all.
Best, e.


Mine love to make cards and posters for daddy when he goes away and then place them around the house the night/day before daddy comes home and sends daddy on a scavenger hunt to find all the pictures they made for him. We also like to do "camp outs" in the backyard.
Praying for continual healing for you guys!
~Danielle :)


I like to have Megan help me make home made playdough. Home made is also good b/c you don't have to worry about them eating the playdough. A great website to find a recipe and some other ideas is ( It has ideas for several different age groups.


my! Some of those brought back lots of memories! We used to do a lot of hikes & walks in the woods to collect "nature treasures" to make pictures. We also did a lot of outdoor papier mache projects. Too messy in the house. What about making felt balls outside with lots of soapy water? Paper airplane contest? Origami? Check out books in the library? Skipping contest? Board game marathon? Outdoor scavenger hunt? Picture scavenger hunt? Make up fancy dances and lipsynch?


Just your LIST pooped me out. I guess I'm older than all of your readers put together. except for KathiD.

The main thing I want to do this summer is to remember to count each moment as a blessing because no moment is guaranteed. It's not how much you do that counts but rather how much of yourself you find while you're doing it.

Mrs Holter-Hovind

Have you tried the Crafty Crow Blog for craft ideas? She is a wonderful resource who links to all over blogland with the craft of the day for kids... just check out her archives! Now...where is the link...umm

Hope that inspires you:)
Thanks for your great list. Gill.

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