Chat Over Coffee

  • I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for stopping by for a visit! If you have a moment, I would love for you to comment and let me know that you were here! Getting little notes from friends, both old and new, absolutely makes my day! It also allows me to visit your blogs, which I truly love.

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  • "Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance."

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August 21, 2008



Hi there!!! What a awesome list Kristi. It's really generous of you to share so many great stuff. I will have to come back later to browse around the links. Thanks so much for your message, I just read it. Wonderful to know that we live in the same area. We could even get together one of these days!!!!!
I will be back later...gotta take first grader to school!
Xo Xo


Ohhh no, you are not around here at the moment. I just published your comment and read it again and oooppps, this is what I get when rushing in the mornings!!!! Sorry!!!


Hi Kristin!
One thing I did for hubby was to make a "Daddy" box with a photo of dad and son on the front. Inside I add small strips of paper reminding him of special things we have done together. Or, before my son had speech, I would add things I noticed he loved about being with his dad. By far, it has been one of Daddy's favorite gifts. I try to update it yearly.


Awesome ideas! Thanks so much, you've outdone yourself, I thought the last one was fantastic too.

Shannon O.

Planning on the Felted that one!


Wow! You have some great ideas and some great links here! I might have to do some of those rice warmers!
Stop on over by my blog, I'm doing a giveaway!


I love the autograph quilt idea! My husband would love that.


I love these lists you've been compiling! I am going to link your blog soon for gift inspiration. I finally got my binder, now on to the cards and gifts.
I really appreciate you taking the time to compile these lists, and may have to make Mr. Bunny the nuts and bolts chest pieces, his father was a glazer and made a chess board for him, those pieces would be so appropriate for him and a wonderful way to tie him and his father together. Thanks for posting that.


If only I could live in your crafty brain for one day! :)
Such fabulous ideas!


How about electronic items like cell phones, ipods, etc..

Anne Kaelber

I'm not sure if this fits in with your general concept, but I thought I'd share two special gifts from last Christmas. My husband took my favorite picture of my beloved ferret Maxwell, who died suddenly and tragically earlier that year, and had it made into a gallery-wrap canvas print. It is stunning. (Website used:

One of the gifts he gave our son is a mousepad with a special image on it. Our son loves to make spaceships with Legos. One special ship he took digital pictures of. Then he worked with his dad to "photoshop" it into space, with planets and a sun and some "special effects" around it. My husband ordered a black mousepad, with their resulting image centered across it. Our son was thrilled to see his creation---and the reminder of the fun they had working up the finished photo. (Website used:

My own "creation" last year is a wall-mountable form (a cactus), with hooks for small terra cotta pots to hang from, for an herb garden for my husband. I used a heavy gauge of wire from Home Depot which I stripped and separated out the individual strands of copper from. I made hoops to set the pots into, with loops at the top to set on the hooks. I never did blog this project....I wish I had. I was really tickled with how it came out.

Thanks for a great list of ideas. I love the nuts-and-bolts chess set---that's a must for my list!


Ashley Clausing

I love the list. Thank you! I did have to chuckle though with the idea of the baked item of the month thing. I actually brought this idea up to my husband for all the men on my side of the family that we buy for, and he thought it sounded ridiculous. My sister thought it would be a great idea. You could also try one of those fancy caramel apples too.


I made etched glass for people last year and it was sooo easy. I just drew a monogram of sorts on contact-paper, cut it out with a blade, then painted on the etching cream, peeled off the contact-paper, and rinsed off the cream. I used the same "stencil" on two wine glasses or a vase or two clear glass mugs or whatever. I really enjoyed it :)

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