Chat Over Coffee

  • I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for stopping by for a visit! If you have a moment, I would love for you to comment and let me know that you were here! Getting little notes from friends, both old and new, absolutely makes my day! It also allows me to visit your blogs, which I truly love.

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  • "Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance."

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August 26, 2008


Awesome Mom


Shannon O.

I am absolutely thrilled for you....what an exciting time!


Woo-hoo! Congratulations on the wonderful news!


I am truly happy for you, but I'm gonna miss you... sniffle!
We have to have a girl day!


That is amazing! I am so happy for you!


Congrats! Although I will hate to see you go, this is gonna be an awesome opportunity for yall! I will miss ya!




Congrats!!!! I am so happy for you! This is the best news this week.
Keep us posted on the move.


What a blessing for you! Congrats!



Amanda Fuentes

Well you know I'M happy about this too! That's great, lots of opportunities for you here. And just in time for the fall season. There are several day-trip type pumpkin patches here that are so fun!

Can't wait to meet you!


What great news! I'm so happy for you, I bet you all are just so excited.


Sounds like a fantastic change for all of you. Best wishes for a smooth move :)


Welcome to Texas. My husband and I met in San Antonio, I taught in San Antonio, and I hope you are happy there. I am thrilled that your prayers were answered. Jancd


JUST IN TIME! We will be visiting family in SA in December!! Maybe we can meet at the Riverwalk or something (so pretty with all the lights!)! It would be SO COOL to meet IRL!!! :)


Great news!!! I am happy for all of you :)


YAY! Texas is great and the schools are too !

Rosanne - Firefly Nights

Congratulations. This is wonderful news. I'm so happy things are working out for you.


Excellent news about the moving!


Sounds perfect! Congrats!

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