Chat Over Coffee

  • I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for stopping by for a visit! If you have a moment, I would love for you to comment and let me know that you were here! Getting little notes from friends, both old and new, absolutely makes my day! It also allows me to visit your blogs, which I truly love.

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Favorite Quote of the Moment

  • "Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance."

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November 05, 2008



o.m.g did that beanbag explode or what?? I bet that was a blast for the girls!


lol yes, yes it did. The kids loved it. Mommy did not. ;)


Aww, thanks for mentioning me. I will have to check out the other blogs you mentioned as well. We really do have a lot to be grateful for, don't we? It is nice to refocus on those things.


WOW! I think I might have had a heart attack if I were you finding that mess, but what else can you do besides taking a photo of such a momentus occasion. Props to you :)


Oh my!
I bet the girls had lots of fun though :)

Jenn : )

Whoa - I bet that was fun for them! : )


Ha! Great pic!

Shannon O.

Oh my goodness.....just the thought of this made me start to hyperventilate!


That made me laugh out loud and snort pop! Those cutie patootie girls! Give them big hugs for me and yourself too! :0)


I was just sitting here feeling sorry for myself after the day my kids and dog have put me through but oh my! It could have been worse!! Cleaning up beanbag guts is so time consuming!! Thanks for the giggle and reminder that my day is not THAT bad.


OMG. That's all that came to mind when I saw all those poly peanuts! I bet you are still finding them places!


WOW, no need to explain why you are busy, a picture says a thousand words and a million poly-packing balls says even more!

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