Chat Over Coffee

  • I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for stopping by for a visit! If you have a moment, I would love for you to comment and let me know that you were here! Getting little notes from friends, both old and new, absolutely makes my day! It also allows me to visit your blogs, which I truly love.

Contact Me!

Favorite Quote of the Moment

  • "Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance."

In The Kitchen

« TWILIGHT SWAP!!!! *squeeeee*! (part 2) | Main | A new home. »

January 06, 2009



That little witch (?) is cute!


its actually a gnome, but witch would work too! I hadn't realized how much it looked witchy until you said so LOL! :) Its filled with lavender & chamomile as well so its very relaxing for a little one to snuggle with.


How cute. I like it. you are so talented.


Hi, I found your blog through a link from another blog and have to say I love your site. The doll is adorable!

randy bragg

Hello fellow blogger, I stopped by your site and thought maybe you would like to swap links with me, after adding with the title "Blog Till Death" to your site, message me and I will add yours...have a great day

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